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:scroll="{ x }"
<template #tableHeader>
<a-button type="primary" @click="saveOrUpdateEnterprisesUnit">新增企事业单位</a-button>
<a-modal v-model:open="visible" :title="serviceTitle" @ok="submit" @cancel="closeModal">
<FormProMax ref="formRef" v-model:value="formParams" :form-item-options="formItemOptions" />
<script setup lang="tsx">
import { deleteDataModal } from '@/components/tsx/ModalPro.tsx'
import { EnterprisesUnitSaveOrUpdateParams } from '@/types/views/unitManage/police/policeUnit.ts'
import MapContainer from '@/components/aMap/MapContainer.vue'
import { AutoComplete, Button, Input, message, Modal, Space } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { debounce } from 'lodash-es'
import FormProMax from '@/components/form/FormProMax.vue'
import api from '@/axios'
import { ref, reactive, computed, onMounted } from 'vue'
import TableProMax from '@/components/table/TableProMax.vue'
import { TableProMaxProps } from '@/types/components/table/index.ts'
import { ComponentExposed } from 'vue-component-type-helpers'
import { dictSelectNodes } from '@/config/dict.ts'
import { publicUnitPagerQueryParams } from '@/types/views/publicUnit.ts'
import { FormProMaxItemOptions } from '@/types/components/form//index.ts'
import { FormExpose } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form/Form'
import { serviceProjectSaveOrUpdateParams_ } from '@/types/views/serviceManagement'
type _FormType = EnterprisesUnitSaveOrUpdateParams & {
contactPersonInfoName?: string
contactPersonInfoTelephone?: string
type TableProps = TableProMaxProps<publicUnitPagerQueryParams>
const reqApi: TableProps['requestApi'] = (params) => api.post('/eu/pager', params) //分页
const tableRef = ref<ComponentExposed<typeof TableProMax>>(null)
const columns: TableProps['columns'] = [
dataIndex: 'name',
title: '单位名称',
dataIndex: 'provinceName',
title: '行政区划',
customRender: ({ record }) => {
return `${record?.provinceName}/${record?.cityName}/${record?.districtsName}/${record?.streetName}`
dataIndex: 'address',
title: '详细地址',
dataIndex: 'contactPersonInfo',
title: '联系人姓名',
customRender: ({ record }) => {
return record?.contactPersonInfo?.name
dataIndex: 'contactPersonInfo',
title: '联系人手机号',
customRender: ({ record }) => {
return record?.contactPersonInfo?.telephone
dataIndex: 'createTime',
title: '创建时间',
dataIndex: 'remark',
title: '备注',
dataIndex: 'opt',
title: '操作',
customRender: ({ record }) => (
onClick={() =>
snowFlakeId: record.snowFlakeId,
policeUnitId: record.policeUnitId,
name: record.name,
type: record.type.value,
administrativeDivisionCodes: [record.province, record.city, record.districts, record.street].filter(Boolean),
address: record.address,
point: record.point,
contactPersonInfoName: record.contactPersonInfo?.name,
contactPersonInfoTelephone: record.contactPersonInfo?.telephone,
remark: record.remark,
onClick={() =>
deleteDataModal(record.name, async () => {
// const resp = await api.delete('/enterprisesUnit/deleteById', {
const resp = await api.delete('/eu/del_id', {
enterprisesUnitId: record.snowFlakeId,
await tableRef.value?.requestGetTableData()
const x: number = columns.reduce((a, b) => a + (b.width as number), 0)
const saveOrUpdateEnterprisesUnit = (params: _FormType, callback: Function) => {
const _formRef = ref<FormExpose>(null)
const _mapRef = ref<ComponentExposed<typeof MapContainer>>(null)
const _formParams = ref<_FormType>({ ...params })
let city = ''
const initMarker = (map: AMap.Map) => {
//添加maker点 设置point
const maker = new AMap.Marker({
position: _formParams.value.point,
draggable: true,
maker.on('dragend', ({ lnglat }) => {
_formParams.value.point = lnglat
const autoAddress = ref<SelectNodeVo<string>[]>([])
const _formOptions = ref<FormProMaxItemOptions<_FormType>>({
name: {
type: 'custom',
label: '单位名称',
required: true,
customRender: () => {
return (
// AutoComplete 自动完成 组件
onSelect={(_, options: SelectNodeVo<string>) => {
_formParams.value.point = options.extData?.location
_formParams.value.address = options.extData?.address
onSearch={debounce((val: string) => {
const auto = new AMap.AutoComplete({
city: city,
// input: 'tipinput',
citylimit: true,
auto.search(val, (status, result) => {
if (status === 'complete') {
// 生成组件需要数据
autoAddress.value = result.tips?.map((e) => {
return {
value: e.name,
label: e.name,
extData: {
district: e.district,
address: e.address,
location: e.location,
} as SelectNodeVo<string>
} else {
autoAddress.value = []
}, 300)}
option: (item: SelectNodeVo<string>) => {
return (
<p style={{ color: '#9a9c9d' }}>
{item.extData?.district} {item.extData?.address}
<Input placeholder='请输入单位名称' />
type: {
type: 'select',
label: '单位类型',
required: true,
// @ts-ignore
options: dictSelectNodes('EnterprisesUnitType'),
administrativeDivisionCodes: {
type: 'administrativeDivisionTree',
label: '行政区划',
required: true,
componentsProps: {
// @ts-ignore
displayRender: ({ labels }): string => {
city = labels[1]
return labels.join(' / ')
address: {
type: 'inputTextArea',
label: '详细地址',
map: {
type: 'custom',
label: '经纬度',
customRender: () => (
plugins={['AMap.AutoComplete', 'AMap.PlaceSearch']}
style={{ width: '100%', height: '300px', position: 'relative' }}
initCallback={(map) => {
const contextMenu = new AMap.ContextMenu()
() => {
const { lng, lat } = contextMenu.getPosition()
_formParams.value.point = [lng, lat]
map.on('rightclick', ({ lnglat }) => {
contextMenu.open(map, lnglat)
if (_formParams.value.point) {
contactPersonInfoName: {
type: 'input',
label: '联系人名称',
contactPersonInfoTelephone: {
type: 'input',
label: '联系人电话',
remark: {
type: 'inputTextArea',
label: '备注',
title: params.snowFlakeId ? `${params.name}】 信息编辑` : '新增企事业单位',
width: 600,
icon: ' ',
centered: true,
content: () => <FormProMax ref={_formRef} v-model:value={_formParams.value} formItemOptions={_formOptions.value} />,
onOk: async () => {
await _formRef.value?.validate()
const resp = await api.post('/eu/add_upd', {
contactPersonInfo: {
name: _formParams.value.contactPersonInfoName,
telephone: _formParams.value.contactPersonInfoTelephone,
await tableRef.value?.requestGetTableData()
callback && callback()
const searchFormOptions = reactive<TableProps['searchFormOptions']>({
name: {
type: 'input',
label: '名称',
treeSelect: {
// type: 'cascader',
type: 'administrativeDivisionTree',
label: '行政区划',
telephone: {
type: 'input',
label: '手机号',
type _TableProps = TableProMaxProps<any>
const isRecruitSecurityHidden = ref<boolean>(false)
const visible = ref(false)
const serviceTitle = ref('新增服务项目')
const idNumberDisabled = ref<boolean>(true)
const formRef = ref<FormExpose>(null)
const enterprisesUnitId = ref('')
const netType = computed(() => {
return formParams.value.type === 'security' ? dictSelectNodes('ServiceProjectTwoType') : dictSelectNodes('UserType' as any)
const formParams = ref<{
snowFlakeId?: string
enterprisesUnitId: string
securityUnitId: string
administrativeDivisionCodes?: null
projectManagerMiniProgramUserId?: string
projectManagerMiniProgramUserName?: string
name: string
type: string
twoType?: number
outsourceName?: string
isFiling?: number
idNumber?: string
serviceArea?: number
buildingTotal?: number
houseTotal?: number
staffTotal?: number
securityUserTotal?: number
remark?: string
name: '',
enterprisesUnitId: null,
type: 'security',
securityUnitId: null,
const securityUnitIdList = ref<any>([])
const formItemOptions = ref<FormProMaxItemOptions<serviceProjectSaveOrUpdateParams_>>({
name: {
type: 'input',
label: '服务项目名称',
required: true,
securityUnitId: {
type: 'select',
label: '保安单位',
required: true,
options: securityUnitIdList,
type: {
type: 'radioGroup',
label: '服务类型',
options: dictSelectNodes('ServiceProjectType'),
required: true,
componentsProps: {
onChange: (e) => {
if (e.target?.value === 'security') {
isRecruitSecurityHidden.value = false
formParams.value.twoType = null
} else {
formParams.value.twoType = null
isRecruitSecurityHidden.value = true
twoType: {
required: true,
type: 'radioGroup',
label: '二级类型',
options: netType,
componentsProps: {
onChange: (e) => {
if (e.target.value !== 'outsource') {
idNumberDisabled.value = true
formParams.value.outsourceName = ''
} else {
idNumberDisabled.value = false
outsourceName: {
type: 'input',
label: '外包公司名称',
hidden: idNumberDisabled as any,
isFiling: {
required: true,
type: 'radioGroup',
label: '是否备案',
options: dictSelectNodes('IsOrNot'),
idNumber: {
type: 'input',
label: '保安服务许可证',
serviceArea: {
type: 'inputNumber',
label: '服务区域面积',
buildingTotal: {
type: 'inputNumber',
label: '楼栋数量',
componentsProps: {
formatter: (value: any) => {
return Math.round(value) ? Math.round(value) : ('' as any)
min: 0,
houseTotal: {
type: 'inputNumber',
label: '户数',
componentsProps: {
formatter: (value: any) => {
return Math.round(value) ? Math.round(value) : ('' as any)
min: 0,
staffTotal: {
type: 'inputNumber',
label: '工作人员数量',
componentsProps: {
formatter: (value: any) => {
return Math.round(value) ? Math.round(value) : ('' as any)
min: 0,
securityUserTotal: {
type: 'inputNumber',
label: '保安人员数量',
componentsProps: {
formatter: (value: any) => {
return Math.round(value) ? Math.round(value) : ('' as any)
min: 0,
remark: {
type: 'inputTextArea',
label: '备注',
const _tableRef = ref<ComponentExposed<typeof TableProMax>>(null)
const expandedRowRender: TableProMaxProps['expandedRowRender'] = ({ record }) => {
const _columns: _TableProps['columns'] = [
dataIndex: 'name',
title: '服务项目名称',
dataIndex: 'type',
title: '服务类型',
customRender: ({ text }) => <a-tag>{text?.label}</a-tag>,
dataIndex: 'twoType',
title: '二级类型',
customRender: ({ text }) => <a-tag>{text?.label}</a-tag>,
dataIndex: 'outsourceName',
title: '外包公司名称',
customRender: ({ record }) => {
if (record.twoType.value === 'outsource') {
return record.outsourceName
dataIndex: 'isFiling',
title: '是否备案',
customRender: ({ text }) => <a-tag>{text?.label}</a-tag>,
dataIndex: 'idNumber',
title: '保安服务许可证',
dataIndex: 'serviceArea',
title: '服务区域面积',
dataIndex: 'buildingTotal',
title: '楼栋数量',
dataIndex: 'houseTotal',
title: '户数',
dataIndex: 'staffTotal',
title: '工作人员数量',
dataIndex: 'securityUserTotal',
title: '保安人员数量',
dataIndex: 'remark',
title: '备注',
dataIndex: 'createUserInfo',
title: '创建人',
customRender: ({ record }) => {
return (
<p>创建人{record.createUserInfo.name} </p>
<p>创建人单位{record.createUserInfo.unitName} </p>
dataIndex: 'createTime',
title: '创建时间',
dataIndex: 'opt',
title: '操作',
fixed: 'right',
customRender({ record }) {
return (
onClick={async () => {
visible.value = true
serviceTitle.value = '编辑服务项目'
idNumberDisabled.value = record.twoType.value !== 'outsource'
formParams.value.securityUnitId = record.securityUnitId //企事业单位id
formParams.value.enterprisesUnitId = record.enterprisesUnitId //企事业单位id
formParams.value.snowFlakeId = record.snowFlakeId //id
formParams.value.projectManagerMiniProgramUserId = record.projectManagerMiniProgramUserId //项目经理小程序用户id
formParams.value.name = record.name
formParams.value.type = record.type.value //服务类型
formParams.value.twoType = record.twoType.value //二级类型
formParams.value.outsourceName = record.outsourceName //外包公司名称
formParams.value.isFiling = record.isFiling.value //是否备案
formParams.value.remark = record.remark //备注
formParams.value.idNumber = record.idNumber //证件号(保安服务许可证/备案证
formParams.value.serviceArea = record.serviceArea //服务区域面积
formParams.value.buildingTotal = record.buildingTotal //楼栋数量
formParams.value.houseTotal = record.houseTotal //户数
formParams.value.staffTotal = record.staffTotal //工作人员数量
formParams.value.securityUserTotal = record.securityUserTotal //保安人员数量
onConfirm={async () => {
const resp = await api.delete('/m2/eu/deleteSpById', {
serviceProjectId: record.snowFlakeId,
await _tableRef.value?.requestGetTableData()
<a-button danger>删除</a-button>
const _reqApi: _TableProps['requestApi'] = async () => {
// @ts-ignore
return await api.get('/m2/eu/listSp', { enterprisesUnitId: record?.snowFlakeId })
return (
tableHeader: (_) => {
return (
<Button type={'primary'} onClick={() => addService(record)}>
const closeModal = async () => {
visible.value = false
formParams.value = {
securityUnitId: '',
enterprisesUnitId: '',
administrativeDivisionCodes: '',
name: '',
type: 'security',
idNumber: '',
serviceArea: null,
buildingTotal: null,
houseTotal: null,
staffTotal: null,
securityUserTotal: null,
remark: '',
enterprisesUnitId.value = ''
serviceTitle.value = '新增服务项目'
idNumberDisabled.value = false
const submit = async () => {
await formRef.value.validate()
const serviceProjectSaveOrUpdateParams = { ...formParams.value }
const resp = await api.post('/m2/eu/add_upd_sp', serviceProjectSaveOrUpdateParams)
await _tableRef.value.requestGetTableData()
await closeModal()
onMounted(async () => {
const res = await api.get('/management/listSecurityUnit')
securityUnitIdList.value = res.data
const addService = function (record) {
formParams.value.enterprisesUnitId = record.snowFlakeId //企事业单位Id
visible.value = true